Saturday, April 24, 2010


So the battle with Van didn't go quite as I'd planned, but it worked out in the end.  Revive looked good on paper, and indeed both melee characters ended up using their auto-res, but I couldn't get it back on them as I'd spent too much TP healing people in the meantime.  That spell is hella expensive.

We killed Van pretty quickly even with having to resurrect a couple times.

Then party split...  which basically amounts to Luke moping about the manor for a month before getting the idea to go meet up with his friends again.  Eventually we had everyone back.

So...  then we did a shitton of side quests and a little story advancement.  We'd gotten sufficiently pissed off about not being able to land the Albiore on anything other than grass, and used the World Map on GameFAQs to find the flightstone that would let us land anywhere.  It turned out we had to go to Mushroom Road anyway since we had to get a shroom for Luke's mom to smoke so she'd feel better or something.  We grabbed the flight stone and the shroom and got the hell out of there.

We tried to get to the other flightstone that would let us fly through bullshit like storms and whirlpools but encountered a puzzle that we think we need Mieu Fire 2 to complete.  So bleh, back to sidequestan.

Shortly thereafter we went to the spa and got the swimsuit costume titles.  Jade is such a pimp with his.  You have to walk rather than run for the full effect.  Also, there's a hilarious skit for everybody once they've fought enemies while wearing a swimsuit.  "Why are you wearing that swimsuit?" "I was forced to!" "By who?" "I don't know!" "Why don't you just change?" "I...  I can't..."

When can I has Healing Force kthx


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