Tuesday, April 27, 2010

random bullshit (lol i haev imaginayshun)

So all that time we spent not playing Tales?  Yeah, it's coming back to bite us in the ass right now.  We're about two thirds of the way through the game and we have maybe two or three weekends left.  In before Tales weekend.

As far as Guild Wars goes, I'm still working my way through the Eye of the North dungeons.  I've actually had that on a bit of a hiatus due to too much shit happening in real life, but I'll get back to it.  I got my 100th ecto last night, which means my necromancer is only 5 ectos away from having obsidian armor.  Then I just need to find a party that can stay coordinated long enough to reach the forgemaster.  I also need to leave the inactive guild I'm in and join a more active one.  Perhaps I should do that before attempting the Fissure of Woe.

CAINE's trying to actually have its shit in gear, and as such is already planning for recruitment in the fall semester.  We're trying to solve some of our biggest problems, namely our lack of visibility in the activities fair.  We have a monolith planned that should put us on the map, and crazy people with tools and the free time to put it together.

The driver's side seatbelt in my car has been acting up lately.  It's one of those automatic ones that were all the rage circa 1990 before Americans got all American and started bitching about other people telling them what to do.  Either that or idiots kept strangling themselves with it.  Anyway, any time it's warm and humid (haven't had a warm dry day to try and separate those two factors yet) it has a chance of just not working.  As in, it stays in the forward position and doesn't actually act as a seat belt.

It's supposed to move back when I turn on the car and have the door closed.  Most of the time it works fine, but coming back from sakura matsuri a few weeks ago, and again last sunday coming back from a party at Tom's place in Waynesboro, it decided it was going to act up.  The weird thing about the most recent one was that it didn't happen right away.  It waited until I got back to CAINE house to drop people off and then it failed.

Going back to CAINE, because my mind is all over the place and that's why I've been posting less recently, another thing we're doing to try and make people feel more at home in the club is allowing any member to propose a presentation.  If it sounds like a good idea they can prepare it and educate the rest of us about something.  The first instance of this was a western comics presentation.  That's another area that CAINE is trying to expand to (or really, get back into).

Anyway, I have an idea for a presentation, but I don't know if I want to be solely in charge of it.  It's basically about importing stuff, which a number of us in CAINE do on a semi-regular basis, so I'm sure I could get some help.  Really I only had the idea so I could have an excuse to bring in everything I own that's been imported from Japan and show off my weeaboo level, but whatever.  I can't envision it being a bad idea for a presentation if it has structure.


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