Friday, January 16, 2015

2015 is gonna be another 2014, I can feel it

Nothing about who I am has changed between 2014 and 2015.

Any sense of self esteem you might garner from reading my main blog, I assure you, is a facade.  I don't like to be emotional on the internet, but when a guy has had enough, he's fucking had enough.

I probably need some sort of psychological help.  But psychologists are all the same.  They care more about lining their own pockets with money than they do about their patients' mental health.  Because if everyone was sane, there wouldn't be need for psychologists.  It's a classic conflict of interest, not too dissimilar to the one that all dentists subscribe to.

The list of what I need is simple, and yet complex.  I need a job, but I need to find a company that has a position open that I can fill.  No current job listing fits that criteria.  Everyone wants experience and/or a degree, even for the most mundane of tasks.  I need a positive constant in my life, and that in itself is complex.  I'm not exactly in the best environment for finding a lasting relationship, all women treat men like shit these days, and even if I was in the proper environment and women weren't complete whores, I doubt I'd even say anything to anyone I was actually interested in, because all the good ones are taken already.  They end up with douchebags that treat them like shit.  Meanwhile, the guys like me who would actually be a good match are left to have empty lives.

I don't even fucking know where I'm going with this.

Employment is full of unwritten rules, one-upmanship, hidden cliques, and other general hostilities.  Real life also similarly makes zero sense.  I am incompatible with the way this country works.  Sad thing is, there isn't any country on this planet that I would be compatible with.  Find me a planet where people follow common fucking sense, and let me live there.