Friday, April 23, 2010

this kind of disturbs me

I won't be naming names, but depending on who you are you might be able to figure out who I'm talking about anyway. That and I basically make the identity of the person who actually said the disturbing thing blatantly obvious to anyone who actually knows me. (if you're here from Twitter, note the date above)

So last night, CAINE had its usual after-meeting dinner and store run activities.  After that, some people went home, and a small group of us went to one member's dorm room to watch movies.  The movie, though it had Bruce Willis, was rather predictable with its plot twists.  'Surrogates', in case anyone was wondering.

After that we were just talking about things.

Somehow the topic shifted to loli and this is where everything went wrong.  I didn't say anything at the time because I couldn't get the proper words to come to my head, but now having slept on it I've figured out what to say.

Basically, I was the only person in the room who actually likes loli.  CAINE has a few of us.  It's been one of CAINE's major principles that while you may not personally like what someone else likes, you don't ever under any circumstance persecute them for it.  This has been highlighted recently because we had to exile one specific person for doing what basically amounted to trying to rip CAINE apart from the core, all because we didn't follow her narrow-minded feminazi beliefs, which was mostly related to this principle.

One of the three of us (not the person whose room it was) made the worst comment he could possibly make.  I'm not going to quote it exactly, but it basically stated his desire to beat one of our members who likes loli with a shovel until he doesn't say he likes loli anymore.

The person making this comment so happens to be the person who was once my friend, who introduced me to all sorts of things that I like, such as anime and CAINE.  He disappeared for five years or so because he was playing World of Warcraft and couldn't be bothered to leave his mom's basement.  During that time I only ever really talked to him when the realms were down for maintenance.  He also only ever contacted me when he wanted something from me.  Then recently he quit, which is a good thing, and started coming to CAINE again, which I can't legitimately form an argument against as it's basically his own free will.

I don't know if he thinks we're best friends again or what.  Our interests are very different now.  He buys practically every new game that comes out for PC.  With, as far as I know, his parents' money.  We had a long AIM conversation a few weeks ago where I was basically having to shoot down the immature hardcore PC gamer whining argument of "there's nothing consoles can do that PCs can't, why aren't more console games released on PC".  I'm not going to delve into my rebuttal here, I'm just trying to illustrate that we are very different people now.  Basically the only things we have in common is that we're both fans of anime.

I recognize that we were once friends, long ago.  I will join in on reminiscing about things that happened in high school or anything up to when he dropped off the face of the earth.  I will not however restore him to friend status.  For some reason I accepted his friend invite on facebook.  I dunno really.  Maybe it's because I have to see him on a regular basis even though I don't really want to.

He still has this attitude of "my opinion is fact, everyone should agree with me or risk being ostracized for liking what they like" that old CAINE kind of relied upon before we came to our senses and realized if we were more accepting of others' opinions that we could increase our membership.

The issue here is loli, which a lot of people who can't differentiate between fiction and reality immediately assume anyone who likes loli is a pedophile.  This is not the case.  Just because someone likes it in 2D doesn't necessarily mean they like it in 3D.  In that statement, 2D implies anime/manga/games and fiction, and 3D implies the real world, actual people (live-action porn included), and, well, not fiction.  I don't think any of us in CAINE that do like loli actually like real-world little girls, at least not that way.

There's one member that doesn't like wincest.  He just doesn't.  We recognize that, and generally try not to bring it up around him or have the conversation when he's there, but at the same time it doesn't restrict us from talking about it.  It was completely hilarious (and I think he'd agree, to some extent) that a week or so ago we were watching Kiss x Sis episode 2 on the projector in CAINE house when he came in the room.  For whatever reason he didn't recognize it right away, so he was watching it.  He actually kind of enjoyed it and asked what it was, though none of us could really bring ourselves to say.  Then he figured it out and it was funny.

That kind of thing is, as far as I'm concerned, completely fine.  But what's not fine?  Saying you want to beat someone with a shovel over a petty difference in tastes.

1 comment:

  1. Oh god he actually said that? I hope that wasn't me he was referring to.


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