Wednesday, February 17, 2010

theme testing

I kinda like this theme, but I need multiple posts here to make sure everything interacts properly.  Hopefully it should work as I've already set it up, and not require any more tweaks.

In case anyone's wondering (or actually reading this, lol), this is the Minima Black theme that I've edited.  I got the Churuya background off of Sankaku Channel (search for "churuya wallpaper" and you'll find it).  The posts, header, and sidebar have rounded corners in Firefox and in any browser that happens to support CSS3.  The opacity on them (which only works in compliant browsers, basically all browsers other than IE) is 95%.

The thing I'm posting again to test is that I want each post on a given day to have its own 95% opaque background, rounded border, etc.; rather than all the posts for each day being in one continuous "block".

Rounded corners are teh sex, CSS3 is going to be so awesome once it's finalized and implemented.

Edit: yay, it works.

Edit 2: I just noticed that the timestamps for these posts are wayyyyyyyyy off.  What the fuck.

Edit 3: lol, I guess I could have changed my time zone setting.  Why the fuck does it default to GMT -8 anyway?  Because that's where Google is?  Fucking west coasters thinking their time zone is the one America works off of.

Edit 4: I mean, seriously.  Couldn't they figure out from my time zone setting for all their other fucking services that I'm on eastern time?


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