Friday, March 5, 2010

plastic guitar committing plastic suicide

I've done a lot to extend the life of this guitar controller that I got with Guitar Hero 3.
  • The neck is hardwired because frets were randomly dropping.
  • I have a piece of paper folded up and jammed between the neck and the body so the neck won't wobble.
  • The whammy bar has a rubber band on it because the one essential piece of plastic (plastic...) that causes the spring to do its stuff broke off.
Well, really only three things.  But it feels like more since the first one involved disassembling the guitar, cutting out the faulty neck connection hardware, and splicing wires together and wrapping them in electrical tape.

Recently I noticed that the fret buttons don't all stick out of the controller the same distance.  As one might expect, this has an effect on the feel of the buttons.
  • Green and Orange have the best feedback and stick out the farthest, though Orange feels better.
  • Red and Yellow don't feel too bad and stick out about the same distance, but less far than Green/Orange.
  • Blue is very close to the surface of the controller and I can barely feel it move when I press it.
Strangely enough this isn't affecting gameplay one bit.  The game doesn't errantly register blue or anything.  I'm thinking of disassembling it again to look at the fret button hardware to see if it's any issue I can fix.


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