Sunday, February 21, 2010

easy mission is easy

I just did the first mission of Guild Wars: Nightfall 10 times on Hard Mode, once with each of my characters.  I have one of each profession, so this demonstrates total ownage of what's basically the second easiest Hard Mode mission in the entire game.

This is because of their daily rotating quest system.  Today's Zaishen Mission happens to be the first mission of Nightfall, Chahbek Village.  Completing this mission on Hard Mode with the Master level bonus nets you 1000 experience, 250 gold, 100 Sunspear points, and 74 Copper Zaishen Coins.  I'm saving up for the heavy equipment pack, which costs the outrageous price of 15 Gold Zaishen Coins.

They have an exchange rate for working your way up to the more valuable Zaishen Coins.  50 Copper = 1 Silver, and 10 Silver = 1 Gold.  One Gold coin basically costs 500 Copper coins.  There's also, for inexplicable reasons, a small gold cost for going up each level.   So from the 740 Copper coins I got, I cashed in 700 of them and got a measly 14 Silver coins.  Of those 14 Silver coins I cashed in 10 and got my third ever Gold coin.  This is going to take forever.

Hard Mode makes enemies higher level (which grants them more health and affects the damage equation in their favor), and gives them faster movement and skill activation.  The reason the mission is balls easy on HM is because it's a tutorial mission.  Thus the groups are designed to not be very challenging on NM, which translates to a not very challenging HM mission.  All throughout the mission various NPCs are talking about various aspects of the game and when you're doing it on HM you already know everything they're saying and you just wish they'd shut the fuck up.

Anyway, yeah, Chahbek Village is a really easy HM mission in Nightfall, and as previously mentioned I consider it to be the second easiest HM mission in all of Guild Wars, period.  The easiest HM mission is Tihark Orchard, which is also in Nightfall, because it's a solo mission with no real fighting until the very end when you're aided by over 9000 NPCs that can usually kill the enemies on their own.


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