Sunday, March 14, 2010

Going through Sankaku's recent images box

On the main site, there's a javascripted iframe showing 20 images recently uploaded to Sankaku's slow-as-shit Danbooru instance.  Browsing through this and searching each image's tags for the source tag, I usually find myself seeing something like this:

"Touhou...  Touhou...  Touhou...  Vocaloid...  Vocaloid...  Touhou...  Vocaloid...  Vocaloid...  Vocaloid...  Touhou...  Vocaloid...  Vocaloid...  Touhou...  Fate/Stay Night...  Touhou...  Vocaloid...  Touhou...  Touhou...  Vocaloid...  Vocaloid"

Occasionally there's something other than Touhou or Vocaloid (as I alluded to with Fate/Stay Night in that example), but the vast majority are one or the other.

I understand that it's an image database and these images tend to come out in sets or other large batches (there was a huge flood of Tohsaka Rin a while back (lol Fate/Stay Night), and when K-On! came out it was nothing but Mio), but still...  lrn2varietymoar.


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